Tourette's syndrome is a condition where a person makes involuntary sounds or movements. The sounds or movements are often referred to as 'tics.'
Generally Tourette's syndrome will start during childhood; it is a condition that can be improved after multiple years and sometimes it can go away for good. There is no cure, however there is treatment available to help manage the symptoms.
Those who have Tourette's syndrome may also have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) or learning difficulties.
Physical symptoms (tics) may include: blinking, eye rolling, shoulder shrugging, head jerks, jumping or twirling.
Vocal symptoms (tics) may include: grunting, throat clearing, whistling, coughing, saying random words or phrases, swearing or repeating a sound.
Some people are able to control their tics for short periods in certain situations such as in a classroom; this requires a lot of concentration but with practice it gets easier. Tics become less common when the person is completing activities that involve a high level of concentration, because they are focused on something else.
There is no cure for Tourette's syndrome, however behavioural therapy and some medicine can often help to control the tics.

To read more about Tourette's syndrome please search the NHS website.