Meet Sofia! š I recently came across this special account and felt very inspired by Sofia's story. I have loved following her progress and journey! Sofia and her family hope to inspire others to never give up, no matter what you are told. I am excited to introduce you to...
ā Super Sofia's Story @supersofiasstory ā

"Sofia is an identical twin born at 24 weeks and 6 days with her sister Sienna. Sienna sadly passed away at 7 hours old. At around 3 weeks into our Nicu journey we received the devastating news that Sofia had PVL brain damage. We were told she might never walk or talk and may have to attend a special school.
We share Sofias journey to hopefully inspire others to never give up and to always keep pushing and to give as we know only to well how hard it is having to wait and see! The progress Sofia has made has astounded the medical professionals involved in her care - she is so determined to do everything herself and absolutely loves to be challenged š"
